Debian/Ubuntu Package Management – What is the difference between ‘apt-get’ and ‘apt’?

Both apt-get and apt are command-line tools used for managing packages in Debian-based Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, and their derivatives. However, they have some differences in terms of usage, features, and user interface:


  • Introduction: apt-get is the older tool and has been the traditional method for package management in Debian-based systems.
  • Usage: It is more feature-rich and is used for a wide range of package management tasks, including installing, updating, upgrading, and removing packages.
  • Commands: Some of the common commands include:
    • sudo apt-get update: Updates the package list.
    • sudo apt-get upgrade: Upgrades all upgradable packages.
    • sudo apt-get install package_name: Installs a specified package.
    • sudo apt-get remove package_name: Removes a specified package.
    • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade: Upgrades the system by handling dependencies intelligently.
    • sudo apt-get autoremove: Removes unnecessary packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies but are no longer needed.
    • sudo apt-get clean: Clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.


  • Introduction: apt is a newer, higher-level command-line tool introduced to provide a more user-friendly interface for package management. It combines the most commonly used features of apt-get, apt-cache, and dpkg.
  • Usage: Designed to simplify package management tasks, apt provides more streamlined commands and better default outputs, including progress bars.
  • Commands: It includes many of the same commands as apt-get, but with a more consistent and simpler syntax:
    • sudo apt update: Updates the package list.
    • sudo apt upgrade: Upgrades all upgradable packages.
    • sudo apt install package_name: Installs a specified package.
    • sudo apt remove package_name: Removes a specified package.
    • sudo apt full-upgrade: Similar to apt-get dist-upgrade, it upgrades the system by handling dependencies intelligently.
    • sudo apt autoremove: Removes unnecessary packages.
    • sudo apt clean: Clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.
    • sudo apt search package_name: Searches for a package.

Key Differences

  1. User Interface: apt provides a more user-friendly and consistent output, including progress bars and easier-to-read messages.
  2. Command Simplification: apt combines functionalities from several older tools (apt-get, apt-cache, etc.), providing a simpler command set.
  3. Default Behavior: apt has sensible default behaviors that make it more straightforward for everyday package management tasks.
  4. Use Case: While apt-get is still fully functional and used for scripting and advanced package management tasks due to its stability and detailed options, apt is recommended for general use and interactive sessions.


  • Use apt-get for more detailed and script-friendly package management.
  • Use apt for a more user-friendly and simplified interface for routine package management tasks.

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