Slackware 12.x – IP address and Gateway change

If you use the normal systemd (systemctl) commands, old slackware will not give out any output. you need to look under ‘cat /etc/slackware-version’ to find out the version of your slackware OS version.

# ls /etc/

# cat /etc/slackware-version

Slackware 12.1

My colleague was having issue locating the type of the OS as he is trying to find out the hardcoded Gateway IP address and update it to the new.

To change the IP addresses, look at

Edit your “/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf” file with your static IP settings.
Edit your “/etc/resolve” file and insert your DNS IP’s <nameserver x.x.x.x>

Then restart or run “/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 restart” and your all set.

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